Virtual Private Servers
Tier4 Services virtual private server structure splits a physical server into multiple virtual servers that each have a protected and reserved amount of CPU and RAM resources.
Unlike Shared hosting, VPS instances do not compete against each other for these resources. Therefore, a spike in resource demand among other VPS instances, will not lead to a performance decline in your website or database.
VPS Hosting is a good fit for businesses or users who are experiencing rapid growth, heavy website traffic, or running complex applications.

Tier4 Services Data Center Platform
- 99.995% Uptime SLA
- Raised floors
- 24/7 IDS protection
- 24/7 on site support staff via helpdesk, email or phone
- 24/7 network monitoring
- 24/7 Managed services
- Redundant Firewall protected network with managed custom firewall rules
- Redundant Gigabit network
- Triple Redundant fiber-optic backbone providers with BGP protocol
- Core network redundancy
- Exclusive primary and secondary Power – Massive, highly available power core with various levels of redundancies (N+1, N+2, 2N+1, 2N+2)
- Exclusive redundant NOC’s and SOC’s
- Climate Controlled Server Vault
- Temperature/climate and particulate controlled system with N+1 Liebert Precision Cooling units.
- Redundant Uninterrupted Power (UPS)
- Emergency Power – Multiple diesel generators w/ power distributed via 480V, 3 phase, 4-wire bus duct
- Independent locked racks and suites
- Daily hardware reviews
- Biometric Security
- Closed Circuit Video Surveillance
- 24/7/365 Manned security
- 6 layers of physical security
- Availability to all industry standard connections, including T-1, E-1, DS-3, OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, 10-Gigabit Ethernet and a variety of copper, cabled and fiber optic connections
- Ability to have dedicated bandwidth via your own contract
- Our Data Center is physically isolated from any person without valid access permissions